Building a Discord Bot
You will need to have the following things installed:
- CMake (version >= 3.16)
- Compiler with C++17 support, i.e. MSVC, GCC, Clang
- Git
- ekizu (see Installation)
Create a CMake project
In an empty directory, create the following files and directories:
You'll need to modify the CMakeLists.txt
to tell CMake what it's looking for, and other information.
Here is an example CMake configuration, you can adapt it according to your needs:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project(discord-bot VERSION 0.1.0)
# Create an executable
add_executable(discord-bot main.cpp)
# Find ekizu
find_package(ekizu REQUIRED)
# Link to the ekizu library
target_link_libraries(discord-bot ekizu::ekizu)
The program
Ekizu makes use of the asio library for
its asynchronous I/O. This allows us to achieve concurrency similar to other languages like JavaScript. For an easy wrapper around the interface, we take advantage of the async_main
macro which wraps what would be your main function in a coroutine.
It is recommended to learn more about how asio works and to have a some examples for more clarification.
Below is an example of a simple bot, utilizing the async_main
#include <ekizu/async_main.hpp>
#include <ekizu/http_client.hpp>
#include <ekizu/shard.hpp>
using namespace ekizu;
Result<> handle_event(
const Event& ev, const HttpClient& http, const asio::yield_context& yield);
// Runs main in a coroutine, similar to Rust's #[tokio::main].
async_main(const asio::yield_context& yield)
// Place your token here.
const std::string token { "YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN_HERE" };
HttpClient http { token };
Shard shard { ShardId::ONE, token, Intents::AllIntents };
while (true) {
// Wait for the next gateway event.
auto res = shard.next_event(yield);
if (!res) {
if (res.error().failed()) {
"Failed to get next event: {}", res.error().message());
return res.error();
// Could be handling a non-dispatch event.
// Run this event in a coroutine.
[e = std::move(res.value()), &http](
auto y) { (void)handle_event(e, http, y); },
return outcome::success();
Result<> handle_event(
const Event& ev, const HttpClient& http, const asio::yield_context& yield)
[&](auto&& event) mutable {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(event)>;
// Catch the `MessageCreate` event, which contains our message.
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, MessageCreate>) {
const auto& [msg] = event;
// If the message is "ping", respond with "pong".
if (msg.content == "ping") {
return outcome::success();
For more feature-complete examples, see examples or my bot Saber.
Build the bot
For this process we need to do two things:
Configure CMake
Build the bot
After that has finished, you can call:
The path of the executable will differ based on your configuration environment.
If everything went well, you should see your bot come online!